Also known as halitosis. Having bad breath can affect your relationships with people, both personal and in business. It affects how people react to you. First impressions impact our decisions about people. Let’s say you go on a date, or you have a big job interview, and your breath is less than fragrant…. others will likely be turned off or think less of you because of your bad breath. Wouldn’t you, if you first met someone and they had bad breath?
The nerves in your nose become numb to odors after a while. People who work in a fish store, for instance, where there are strong odors do not notice it anymore. So you might have bad breath, but not even know it. YUCK! We can help. Below are some steps you can take to avoid having bad breath.
Cavities and gum pockets filled with odor causing germs are a great source of unpleasant odors. By keeping up with your regular dental exams, our team of specialists can fix problems that could lead to having bad breath.
Even if you have a good home care routine, our dental instruments can get into the little nooks and crannies that a tooth brush or dental floss will miss to make sure your smile stays healthy and clean. Also, our highly-skilled hygienists will find any abnormalities that could lead to health complications (ie: oral cancer, tooth decay, gum disease, inflammation and much more) . Early detection is key!
This is sooo important! Brushing your teeth and flossing removes bacteria and plaque build-up. Poor oral care is a huge cause for bad breath. Keeping up with a healthy dental routine will improve your smile in many ways!
Bonus Tip:
Many dental products are not that great for you so here is what dental professionals like Dr Simon actually use themselves. Dr. Jerry Simon’s personal dental routine includes Oxyfresh toothpaste and Therasol mouthwash. [Try Dr. Simon’s at home routine he has been using for many years and it works!]
Our Recommended Dental Products: You can purchase these products in the office.
Sugar turns into acid and that acid eats away at your enamel causing tooth decay. When your tooth decays, it releases a very bad odor causing you to have bad breath. It is important to get tooth decay fixed immediately. It will help with bad breath, and keep your smile healthy longer.
Drinking water is great for you in many ways. Having a dry mouth can cause bad breath. Water will hydrate you AND keep your mouth from drying out.
If you are following all 5 steps and are still experiencing or concerned about bad breath, make an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam. We will solve the root of the problem! Call Today 203-883-4433!